SEN Support
Our full time SEN Lead is available to provide expert, individualised support to any student with SEN. We will also take the lead in organising, leading and writing up the Annual Review.
Included as required in single roll packages.
Included as standard in Single Roll packages and for all onsite days.
As we are an exam centre, all our students have the opportunity to gain qualifications and sit exams through us. These include GCSEs, BTECs, Functional Skills, Arts Award, LAMDA qualifications and Entry Level Certificates.
Normal entry costs are included in single roll fees (though late charges for new students joining us after the entry date will be additional). Exam fees for all dual roll entries will be charged to the referrer if qualifications are requested through us.
Careers Support
At TCW we understand the impact that meaningful encounters with employers and post-16 providers has on students, from raising aspirations to laying the path towards employment. This is why we organise internal Career Fairs and events, inviting local colleges to meet with KS4 students for Q&A sessions in the Autumn term and representatives from different employment sectors in the Spring term. Students are encouraged to track their employability journey on their Personal Development and Careers Record log. This optional add-on will also provide an in-depth session with an independent careers advisor and ongoing support from our in-house Post-16 Pathways Team.
Available to Year 9+ students. Included as standard in single roll packages.
SALT / OT / Physiotherapy / Educational Psychology
For those students requiring these additional supports, we outsource this as needed to our trusted partners.
Available as an add-on to single and dual roll packages.
An optional add-on for students unable to make their own way to lessons.
Available as an add-on to single and dual roll packages.