Application Form - 1:1 Teacher - test page

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For the purposes of administration, it is necessary for the Company to hold and process personal data on candidates during the recruitment process. The data will be held, where appropriate, for the duration of the selection process and following the appointment of the successful candidate, personal data of other candidates may be held for a 6-month period for the purpose of considering future vacancies.

Personal Data is any information (including opinions and intentions), which relates to an identified or Identifiable Natural Person. This will include information in employee files, on HR systems and other electronic data.

We process only the minimum amount of data required and every care is taken to ensure that this personal data is held in confidence and securely with restricted access in accordance with our Data Protection Policy. 

Should you wish to access your personal data you are permitted to make a Subject Access Request to the company in writing -

Following the signing of this consent form, you are permitted to remove consent to the processing of your personal data at any time. To remove consent please make a written request to the company.

Please sign below to confirm your acceptance of our processing your personal data for selection purposes and indicate whether you consent for your personal data to be held 6 months post recruitment.

I have read, understand and accept the above content and consent to the processing of my personal data in manual or electronic format in line with the organisations Data Protection Policy.